Webinar – Retention and Sustainability of Social Care Workforce project (RESSCW) study.

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Webinar – Retention and Sustainability of Social Care Workforce project (RESSCW) study.
This webinar provides an opportunity to engage with the sector and share key findings and implications from the Retention and Sustainability of Social Care Workforce project (RESSCW) study, funded by the Health Foundation Efficiency Research Programme. The project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Kent, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, City University of London and University College London, with the strategic partnership of Skills for Care.
“About this event
The main aims of the project were to:
- identify the particular characteristics of adult social care staff compared with workers in other low-wage service sectors;
- examine what drives the retention of staff employed in care homes and domiciliary care as well as care workers employed directly by persons using social care services (or so-called Personal Assistants);
- identify what drives some staff to leave the social care sector, as compared to switching jobs to other social care employers; and
- assess what impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on social care workforce wellbeing and retention.
By examining the literature, existing data sources and collecting new information from social care workers and providers (e.g. surveys), the project findings fill an important evidence gap around staff stability and wellbeing in the adult social care sector in England.
Outline of the event:
- Welcome and introductions (5 mins)
- Short presentations from the study team on main messages from the different parts of the study and implications for policy and practice (35 mins)
- Q&A and general discussion (20 mins)
Research team: Dr Florin Vadean (University of Kent; Co-PI), Prof Shereen Hussein (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Co-PI), Dr Stephen Allan (University of Kent; Co-I), Prof Alex Bryson (University College London; Co-I), Grace Collins (University of Kent; RA), John Forth (City University London; Co-I), Dr Katerina Gousia (University of Kent; Co-I), Dr Catherine Marchand (University of Kent; RA), Dr Daniel Roland (University of Kent; RA), Dr Eirini Saloniki (University College London; Co-I), Hansel Teo (University of Kent; RA), Ann-Marie Towers (University of Kent; Co-I), Dr Agnes Turnpenny (University of Kent; Co-I)”
Date: Tuesday 17th May
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
To register for this event click here
For more information go to theĀ Project website