AFRI-c study: testing whether air filters can prevent winter respiratory infections (including COVID-19) in care homes

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
AFRI-c study: testing whether air filters can prevent winter respiratory infections (including COVID-19) in care homes
Are you a care home willing to take part in research? If so why not submit an expression of interest to the AFRI-c study, a study testing whether air filters can prevent respiratory infections
“Respiratory infections such as COVID-19, coughs, colds and flu are more serious in older people. In care homes, infections can spread easily in shared spaces when people breathe in air containing germs passed on by people coughing and sneezing.
This study aims to find out whether portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can reduce symptoms of respiratory infections in care home residents during the winter period. Although we know they trap airborne particles, no one has tested if they can improve human health.
The AFRI-c Study website provides further information and an expression of interest form for care homes.”
This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research