Audiences Care home staff

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Resources for Care home staff
Written by care home staff and researchers, our case studies provide real life examples of challenges and lessons learned by those involved in research. They help describe how others have approached particular challenges, such as acquiring consent, involving care home managers and gaining staff buy-in.
The studies also illustrate the short-term and long-term benefits to care homes and help staff to understand what is involved.
We have also collated a set of Useful Links to organisations, resources and other information.
- Dementia Research – a care home perspective
- Dementia Research THE PROVIDE STUDY
- Doing ‘with’ rather than doing ‘to’ – working in partnership with care home staff
- Ethical concerns raised by research in care homes – getting it right
- Gaining staff buy in
- How ENRICH helped boost recruitment
- Laying the foundations – what helps research in care homes to work well?
- Overcoming the challenges of recruiting care homes to research
- Staff become co-researchers
- Successfully working with care homes
- Successfully working with care homes (Wales)
- Taking part in care home research – the care home perspective
- Talk to the people who know – consulting widely before starting care home research
- Talk to the people who know – consulting widely before starting care home research
- Testing Methods in the Real World
- Utilising the Network to boost recruitment
- Working in the field – lessons for care home researchers
Alzheimer’s Society
Types of Research
Care Fit For VIPS
Care Fit for VIPS provides the resources you need to develop person-centred care in your care home. Developed by the University of Worcester
- Care Homes for Older People: National Minimum Standards
Dementia UK
Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service.
- Involve – Getting Started
- INVOLVE Jargon buster
- Journal of Dementia Care
- Living Well with dementia: A National Dementia Strategy
- Mental Capacity Act 2005: Code of Practice
My home life
Is a new initiative aimed at improving the quality of life of those who are living, dying, visiting and working in care homes for older people. It provides hub of information and shares best practice with those working in this setting.
- National Care Home R&D Forum **
- National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
- NHS Choices – Joining a trial
- NIHR – Current Research Available
- NIHR Clinical Trials, what they are and what they are not – leaflet
- NIHR Understanding clinical trials – leaflet
- People in Research
- Social Care Institute for Excellence – Gateway
- Social Care Institute for Excellence – Living in care, a positive outcome
Social Services Research Group
an independent network of individuals who provide a range of research information, planning and evaluation in social care and health services.