Developing funding proposals in applied mental health and social care: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Developing funding proposals in applied mental health and social care: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme
Are you a health and social care professional or researcher who wants to develop and submit an application related to mental health to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit funding programme (RfPB)? If so the NIHR Research Design Service North West (RDS NW) is offering this online event 21 October 2021, 10.00 am to 12.30 pm – online event. Registration required
This session will provide information on:
- details of the Research for Patient Benefit programme
- views from a successful RfPB applicant
- the application process and what funders are looking for in a submission
- the support the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) can provide in the preparation of your application
- advice about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI).
Who should attend
This event is aimed at researchers in the NHS, public health and social care, as well as academics from universities across England.
Informal drop-in sessions
If you would like an initial informal chat with an RDS adviser, who will provide initial guidance and information on how the Research Design Service can help with your proposal development to RfPB, we are offering drop-in sessions after the event from 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to book a slot.
10.00 am Welcome and introduction
Prof Fiona Lobban, Associate Director, RDS NW
10.10 am An introduction to the RfPB programme and top tips for applying
Dr Christina Jones, RfPB panel member
10.30 am The experience of a successful applicant to RfPB
Dr Peter Taylor, University of Manchester
10.50 am Questions and answer session with the presenters
11.10 am Break
11.20 am How RDS can help you with your mental health research RfPB application
Dr Kenny Finlayson, Adviser, RDS NW
11.40 am Importance of patient and public involvement in mental health research, including the RDS NW Public Involvement Fund and Public Involvement
Dr Hazel Morbey, Specialist Public Involvement Adviser, RDS NW
Chris Lodge, Service User Researcher, Lancaster University
12.00 noon Questions and answer session with the presenters
12.20 pm Summary and final questions
12.30 pm End of session
Download a PDF of the programme here.
To attend this event, please register here.