Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps
New report out: Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps
“Last autumn HSR UK, the Nuffield Trust, the King’s Fund, the Health Foundation and PPI representatives from the Health Foundation Inclusion Panel co-developed a series of events to address improving inclusion in health and care research. An inclusive research system is essential for the delivery of effective, appropriate and respectful health and care services for all, and for understanding and reducing health inequalities. Everyone involved in commissioning, funding, designing and conducting research has a part to play in eliminating discrimination and ensuring that health and care research genuinely serves all patients and communities.
Each of the three online events aimed to showcase people, projects and organisations approaching research in inclusive and innovative ways, and to discuss how we can move existing practice forward. We also used the events to scrutinise the deeply embedded barriers to inclusion and consider how they might be tackled, at the research project, system and funding level. In this co-authored report, we share insights from the expert speakers who participated in the series, as well as our personal and practical reflections and learnings from running the series. The report also reaffirms our commitment to tackling these issues in health and care services research and outlines next steps from each of the organisations involved.”
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