Invitation to care assistants and nurses working in care homes to complete the Antipsychotics in Dementia Attitude Questionnaire (ADAQ)

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Invitation to care assistants and nurses working in care homes to complete the Antipsychotics in Dementia Attitude Questionnaire (ADAQ)
Professor Parastou Donyai from University of Reading would like to invite care home staff to take part in an online survey exploring care staff attitudes to the use of antipsychotic drug for people with dementia.
People with dementia can experience Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), including anxiety, aggression, calling out and wandering. Antipsychotics are sometimes prescribed to manage BPSD, including in care homes, and there are different views about their use in BPSD. We are conducting a survey study to better understand staff attitudes to the use of antipsychotics in residents with dementia living in care homes, using the ‘Antipsychotics in Dementia Attitude Questionnaire (ADAQ)’.
Are you a care assistant or a nurse working in a residential or nursing home for elderly residents? If so, please can you help us by completing this questionnaire to tell us your own views about using antipsychotics in residents with dementia? You can save the survey part way through and it should take less than 15 minutes to complete all the questions. Once you have completed the survey, could you please pass on the survey link to other relevant staff who might also be interested in helping us? This survey is part of research being completed by Miss Amna Raza for a PhD in Pharmacy at the University of Reading.
This is the link to our survey:
The project is being supervised by Mrs Sundus Jawad, Mr Tim Langran, and Professor Parastou Donyai. A collaboration between the University of Reading and NHS East Berkshire CCG.