Living well: care approaches to manage continence and prevent urinary tract infection (UTI) in social care

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Living well: care approaches to manage continence and prevent urinary tract infection (UTI) in social care
Join us for this free webinar focusing on care approaches to manage continence and prevent urinary tract infection in social care.
“Greater attention is rightly being paid to the valuable work that social care staff do to support living and dying well in care home and domiciliary care settings. The evidence base is growing about promoting continence and preventing urinary tract infection (UTI) in old age and is a potentially helpful resource for social care staff and managers. This #CRED talk showcases the best of this research in the UK, with a focus on practical take-home messages for people working in social care.
When the need to go to the toilet is complicated by mobility, sensory and cognitive challenges the health and social care needs of the person often intersect. This #CRED talk will consider the value of reframing different interventions as integral to intimate and personal care work and of fitting them alongside other care being delivered. It discusses how opportunities to reflect on practice and learn from each other about how to promote continence and prevent UTI, help to ensure that existing evidence is used more effectively.
This #CRED talk will bring you up to date with the latest evidence and associated learning resources in care home and domiciliary settings, with the aim of supporting you in the work that you do.
We will be hearing from:
Cathy Murphy, Principal Research Fellow, Bladder & Bowel Management Research Group, University of Southampton: Continence support for people living at home with dementia (DemCon)
Leah Fullegar, PhD student at the University of Southampton: Incontinence and care worker empowerment: My journey in dementia care and research
Claire Goodman, Professor of Health Care Research Centre for Research in Public health and Community Care (CRIPACC): Continence care for people living with dementia in care homes an evidence review: what works in social care settings?
Jacqui Prieto (Associate Clinical Professor at University of Southampton) and Jennie Wilson (Professor at University of West London): Preventing urinary tract infection in care home settings – the ‘StOP UTI’ study
Please join us in creating a credible platform for social care research education and debate #CREDTALKS.
Date: Thursday 4th May 2023 15:00 – 16:00
Please click here to register for the event.
Once you have registered you will be invited to the webinar, which will take place via Microsoft Teams. Please see the attached flyer for more details.