A National Survey for People with Young Onset Dementia

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
A National Survey for People with Young Onset Dementia
Adam Smith
Research Study – The Angela Project: Improving diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for younger people with dementia, families and supporters.

Please join us to improve services and support for younger people living with dementia, family members and supporters. We are from University College London and the Universities of Bradford, Northampton and Surrey and we are involved in a research study called the Angela Project. The Angela Project is dedicated to Angela, a lady with young onset dementia who went undiagnosed for 3 years before her symptoms were recognised.
Currently, many younger people living with dementia and families receive limited services and support in the UK throughout the time they live with dementia. We want to understand how to improve support for younger people with dementia, families and supporters. From this work, we will produce information and guidance on best practice in diagnosis and post diagnostic support, which can inform others who seek to develop effective services.
If you live with a diagnosis of dementia, which was received before you reached the age of 65; or if you are related to, or supporting someone who received a diagnosis of dementia before the age of 65; we are inviting you to complete a survey. You can complete it online by following this link: https://bradford.
Or, alternatively you can complete it on paper by contacting us at:
Vasileios Stamou, V.Stamou@bradford.ac.uk, Tel. : 01274 233 994, Mob.: 07876 790 462,
School of Dementia Studies, Horton A Building, University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford, BD7 1DP.
We would welcome enquiries if you would like to find out more about the research. Please feel free to send us an email, call or send a text message and we will respond immediately.
Thank you!
Dr. Vasileios Stamou
Post-doctoral Research Assistant
The ANGELA Project
Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
Faculty of Health Studies, University of Bradford’