ENRICH Network coming to East Midlands

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
ENRICH Network coming to East Midlands
Clare Litherland
Find out how the East Midlands EnRICH Network was set up, and about the OPTIMAL Study: Effective health care for older people resident in care homes

As part of the Dementia Challenge staff in the new East Midlands Clinical Research Network are setting up the EnRICH network. There have already been groups within Northamptonshire and Leicestershire as part of the previous Thames Valley region, but Ann Priddey (Research Delivery Manager) and Professor Tom Dening (Interim CRN Dementia Lead) want to provide the opportunity for Care Homes across the whole of the region. Dr Kaela Stevenson is Implementation Manager for the Dementia Challenge work across East Midlands, and we have already had great support from our Primary Care CSO colleagues, clinicians and multidisciplinary groups involved in care home support and research.
In Nottingham, the NIHR funded OPTIMAL Study: Effective health care for older people resident in care homes has just started recruiting in four care homes, and the study team have followed the principles of EnRICH, with staff from each home being involved, supporting the study team with publicising the study and collecting data. These homes will be our first recruits to EnRICH.
The OPTIMAL team are looking at how services relate to the five outcomes listed below by using a longitudinal case study to identify the best ways for delivering NHS services in care homes, for the benefit of staff, residents, and relatives and to ensure best use of resources.
- Hospital admission rates
- Length of hospital stay
- Use of out of hours services
- Medication review and use
- User satisfaction
The study team will collect and compare data from care homes in each of three geographical sites to find out how services are delivered and to identify which models of delivery produce the best outcomes in terms of the five key measures.
Prof Claire Goodman CI on behalf of the OPTIMAL study noted:
‘Optimal is an important study that is looking at the ways in which care homes and the NHS work together and trying to establish what works best, under what circumstances and for whom. We are delighted to be working with the Clinical Research Network East Midlands and with ENRICH on this study.”
The East Midlands EnRICH Network will have localised advisory groups providing regular support and development opportunities for care homes, and forums where researchers can meet and gain comment on study proposals and provide feedback to care homes on completed studies. We hope that all specialities within the CRN will utilise the network if planning studies in care homes and share the support of this important resource and so ensure its sustainability. The first Nottingham advisory group will meet on July 2nd and the first EnRICH Forum will be on September 11th .
If you would like information about joining the Network in the East Midlands please contact Clare Litherland clare.litherland@nihr.ac.uk who will put you in touch with your local contact.