ENRICH: News from Norfolk & Suffolk

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
ENRICH: News from Norfolk & Suffolk
Juniper West

It has been a busy few months, 21 care homes have registered with ENRICH in Norfolk & Suffolk, and through this, two homes are participating in the University College London MARQUE Project, looking at ways to raise quality of life for people with dementia in care homes https://www.ucl.ac.uk/psychiatry/marque
We are well on the way with the first 4-month follow-up interviews, and thanks to the residents, staff and family carers of Iceni House in Swaffham, and Oaklands in Scole, Norfolk, for their on-going support and enthusiasm for the project.
Sharing local links
A booklet has been collated by the Residents Research-Active in Care Homes (RReACH) project, entitled ‘Present and Past Research with Care Homes at the University of East Anglia’.
At the University of East Anglia, many of us are doing research that we hope will have an influence on the experience of life in a care home. We hope this booklet will give you a flavour of the range of topics that have been covered, from managing medications, drinking healthily through to organising good care.
We are always interested in working together on research and welcoming discussing ideas informally. Feel free to contact the researchers and also look out for open seminars held at the university about research.
Getting in touch
Please email carehome.research@uea.ac.uk
The RReACH Project focus is about involving care-home residents in research as advisors or collaborators.
The RReACH project has developed guidance for researchers on actively involving care home residents in guiding research, as ‘Patient and Public Involvement’ collaborators. The guidance is now on the ENRICH website:
More information can be found at https://www.uea.ac.uk/health-sciences/research/older-people-and-long-term-conditions/residents-research-active-in-care-homes
The project is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East of England (CLAHRC EoE).