Free Mobile App for Evidence-based Practice

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Free Mobile App for Evidence-based Practice
Lakshini Mendis
A new free web-based app is now available to access high-quality research and guidelines in real-time at the point when you need it!

BestEvidence was soft-launched on April 13th 2018 through a Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) message to those members who have a special interest in evidence-based medicine (EBM), evidence-based health care (EBHC) or evidence-based practice (EBP). The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and a few minor errors were picked up and corrected. The app now has more than 1800 users in over 60 countries and has been used 6000 times.
To access the app on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, just use the internet browser to visit the following site: www.BestEvidence.Info
Then, click “add to home screen” from the menu of your browser to get the icon to appear on your device.
If you wish to give feedback or make suggestions about added functionality you would like to see, please click the feedback link at the top of each page of the app. The BestEvidence Team is grateful to receive any feeback.
For more information contact: