Research Opportunity: Isolation and loneliness for people with sight loss in care homes (the INSIGHT Study)

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Research Opportunity: Isolation and loneliness for people with sight loss in care homes (the INSIGHT Study)
Lakshini Mendis
It is estimated that over half of older people living in care homes have some form of sight loss. Research shows that people with sight loss are at greater risk of social isolation and loneliness than their sighted peers. Admission to residential care has also been found to be correlated with isolation and loneliness in older people. However, evidence to support delivery of good practice in preventing, recognising, and addressing isolation and loneliness for people with sight loss in care homes is limited.

The INSIGHT study, which is being led by Dr Parvaneh Rabiee, aims to increase knowledge and understanding about relationships between sight loss, isolation and loneliness in care home residents. The results from the study will also help co-produce guidance to help providers develop good practice and support people with sight loss and their families when choosing a care home.
The research is taking place in care homes currently registered with the ENRICH Network in Yorkshire and Humber, West Midland, East Midland and North West Coast. It involves a short survey of care homes, interviews with older people with sight loss living in care homes, their family members, and the practitioners supporting them in the care homes.
More detailed information about the study can be accessed via the following link:
If you would like to find out more information about this project and what taking part involves, please contact Dr Parvaneh Rabbie (email: or tel: 01904 321950) or Dr Rachel Mann (email: or tel: 01904-321978)