Join the Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) Dementia Sub-group

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Join the Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) Dementia Sub-group
Lakshini Mendis
Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) is an online mutual support network for people working in health and social care. It gives people a simple and informal way of contacting each other to exchange ideas and share knowledge.
The aim of the CHAIN dementia sub-group, of which Alzheimer’s Society is the stake-holder, is to enable those with an interest in dementia care and research to connect and share knowledge and expertise.

The CHAIN dementia sub-group currently has over 2,240 members. As with the wider CHAIN membership, this includes people from all relevant professions and workplaces, who together possess a rich and diverse range of and skills and experience. The sub-group is co-facilitated by Malayka Rahman, the Alzheimer’s Society’s Research Translation Manager.
Below are feedback from a few dementia sub-group members who have used CHAIN and found it effective
“CHAIN has been an absolute goldmine: we’ve had lots of professionals who replied, offers to involve people affected by dementia in the review, and more. Thanks so much for putting us onto CHAIN. We will definitely be using it more.”
Tim Beanland, Knowledge Manager, Alzheimer’s Society
“About a year ago I emailed CHAIN members regarding a project that we were working on for the Australian Government, on Younger Onset Dementia. I received some really good feedback from members, which also resulted in some trans-national networking – one respondent from the UK met with us when he was in Australia in June for a dementia conference earlier this year, and a colleague who was working on the project with me is currently in the UK visiting and presenting on outcomes of the project. The project included an international literature review, and also a national consultation process. I’ve been made aware of some really useful resources over the last few years, which I’ve used, as have my colleagues. This network allows members to access a really broad range of things – localised resources as well as major developments and guidelines – many of which I wouldn’t have otherwise known about. Plus, it’s a great way to realise that we’re not all beavering away in isolation, but are part of a much wider community with similar objectives. I think you do a fabulous job.”
Anita Westera, Research Fellow , Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI)
“I indeed received useful responses to my inquiry. Thank you very much for the idea to send it out to the CHAIN network. Your message also reached my own country. The last e-mail I received was from the Netherlands, from a professor who received a message via somebody in the CHAIN network. It is wonderful to see that people response and even from all over the world!”
Marjolein van der Marck, Senior researcher; Project Leader, Radboud university Medical Center, Netherlands
If you or any of your colleagues, students or other contacts are interested in joining CHAIN and the dementia sub-group, then please visit the CHAIN website and register online: