Lincolnshire ENRICH Forum

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Lincolnshire ENRICH Forum
Andrea Fisher
NIHR Clinical Research Network East Midlands are hosting the next Lincolnshire ENRICH Forum.
Friday 7th April 2017, 1pm – 3pm
(Lunch available from 12.30pm)
Conference Room, Learning & Development Centre
Unit 3, The Reservation, Sleaford, NG34 7BY

The programme for the Forum includes:
* MARQUE study – Anne Chafer, Clinical Studies Officer at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, providing a study update and presenting certificates to supporting Care Homes.
* Join Dementia Research Champions – Tracey Collishaw, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, promoting a national network of lay and professional people who want to play a role in accelerating progress in dementia research.
* Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Older Adults Division – Introduction by staff from Langworth Ward regarding an Innovation Award for people with dementia.
Featuring Ben and Jerry the ward bunny rabbits, sensory boxes, Green Synergy (a Lincoln-based charity which uses community gardening and horticultural therapy to help improve people’s lives) and Playlist for Life (who encourage families and caregivers to create a playlist of personally meaningful music on an iPod for people with dementia).
* Research Opportunities – Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust research staff highlighting research opportunities.
There will also be Join Dementia Research and Enabling Research in Care Homes (ENRICH) information available.
All care home staff, dementia volunteer groups and professionals who have an interest in dementia research are welcome.
To book your free place please contact Tracey Collishaw on 01529 416257 or at
Please inform of any special dietary requests when booking.