Workshop – ‘Moving research into practice: Advanced dementia and end of life’

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Workshop – ‘Moving research into practice: Advanced dementia and end of life’
Lakshini Mendis
Alzheimer’s Society is running a workshop entitled ‘Moving research into practice: Advanced dementia and end of life’ on Wednesday 23 January in London (Location tbc). The event will run from 10am to 3pm. The aim of the event is to bring together people affected by dementia, researchers, health and social care providers and policy makers to discuss solutions to improving the experiences of those living with advanced dementia or at end of life, including family carers.

The workshop will specifically focus on moving research into practice and will incorporate feedback from the following survey:
The survey is currently open to researchers, health and social care professionals, care home managers and colleagues delivering services for people living with advanced dementia or who are at end of life. Through the survey below, Alzheimer’s Society hope to identify research interventions in development that aim to support people and family members living with this stage of dementia. Types of interventions might include a new tool, activity, service or guidance to improve care provided. It is also a chance to feedback on the type of dementia care and public health research that you think is not currently being addressed.
Numbers for the workshop are very limited number, but you would like to participate in the event, please express your interest via completing the above survey by Friday 21 December.