North East expanding and helping to spread the news

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
North East expanding and helping to spread the news
Joanne Inskip Research Assistant CRN Dementias and Neurodegeneration (DeNDRoN)
North East continue to recruit more homes across the region. Over the past few months we have liaised with researchers at local universities and we’ve have had the privilege of attending two big local meetings of Gateshead and Newcastle dementia champions, thanks to the Tyne and Wear Care Alliance where we managed to sign up more homes!

We continue to recruit more homes across the region. Over the past few months we have liaised with researchers at local universities and we’ve have had the privilege of attending two big local meetings of Gateshead and Newcastle dementia champions, thanks to the Tyne and Wear Care Alliance where we managed to sign up more homes!
We are also planning on setting up a dementia training event for our local ENRICHed care homes, as this is something all of our ENRICHed care homes have expressed an interest in. As well as recruitment of new homes, we have kept in contact with our existing homes via email to give the opportunity for our ENRICHed homes to share local news with each other. We have received a good response and are in the process of producing our own local newsletter to share with our local
ENRICHed care homes. Our very first ENRICHed care home Belle Vue House, Sunderland never fails to share their news and we have received some great news and photos from their dignity awareness day event as well as their Easter Fayre.
Here in the North East we continue to network across the region and members of our LCRN have been fortunate enough to make contacts for ENRICH and vice versa whilst attending local events.
We are also fortunate that all of our homes are fantastic. Our local care home managers are very enthusiastic and are always happy to network on our behalf by mentioning us at their local manager’s meetings as well as inviting us along to these meetings and putting us in contact with their sister care homes throughout the region. Here, in the North East we want to say a special thank you to our own ENRICHed care homes for spreading the word!
ENRICH is becoming well known across the North East region and is enforcing a positive message to other local care homes to sign up to the network. We are proud of our local homes for actively participating in the network and helping us all work towards improving care!
Joanne Inskip Research Assistant CRN Dementias and Neurodegeneration (DeNDRoN)