News Archive

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
ENRICH news archive
This archive contains news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - March 2019.
Latest posts regarding items of interest to ENRICH audiences can be found in the posts section.
Research Opportunity: Survey for unpaid carers of older people
Lakshini Mendis
A new survey launched by the University of Stirling looks at what carers look for in replacement care and the types of support carers value. Get involved and have your say!
Join the Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) Dementia Sub-group
Lakshini Mendis
Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN) is an online mutual support network for people working in health and social care. It gives people a simple and informal way of contacting each other to exchange ideas and share knowledge.
The aim of the CHAIN dementia sub-group, of which Alzheimer’s Society is the stake-holder, is to enable those with an interest in dementia care and research to connect and share knowledge and expertise.
Free Mobile App for Evidence-based Practice
Lakshini Mendis
A new free web-based app is now available to access high-quality research and guidelines in real-time at the point when you need it!
Request for information: Models that support care providers being actively involved in research
Lakshini Mendis
In order to improve care for people living with dementia, Alzheimer’s Society is committed to funding care research, as well as supporting the translation of research into practice to help close the gap between the production and utilisation of knowledge.
Alzheimer’s Society is currently scoping ideas for the launch of a funding call later this year, to explore different models for enabling enhanced care provider roles in research, in order to facilitate successful implementation.
Pan-London Education and Careers for Care Home Nurses (PEACH): Call for applications
Lakshini Mendis
Pan-London Education and Careers for Care Home Nurses (PEACH) is an education, research, and career development pathway for care home registered nurses. There are now 25 fully-funded places available for eligble early career registered nurses working in care homes for older adults across London. Don’t miss out!
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust ENRICH Consultation
Lakshini Mendis
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are looking to host another ENRICH forum in the near future… and they need your help!
Nominations for the Dementia Friendly Awards 2018 now open
Lakshini Mendis
The Dementia Friendly Awards was launched by Alzheimer’s Society in 2013. The awards celebrate and showcase the achievements of those across the UK who are leading the way on creating dementia-friendly communities and improving the lives of everybody affected by dementia. Nominations are now open for the fifth Dementia Friendly Awards.
New NICE guidelines recommend telling people about dementia research opportunities
Lakshini Mendis
All people with dementia should be provided with information on research studies they could participate in, according to new guidelines on best practice released by NICE.