Yorkshire and Humber ENRICH Research Advisory Group

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Yorkshire and Humber ENRICH Research Advisory Group
Deborah Hukins
The Yorkshire and Humber ENRICH team have recently set up a Research Advisory Group to enhance patient and public involvement in the development of research projects. The group consists of older people from a range of backgrounds who live at a care home and assisted living facility in York. To date, the group have met twice and have already provided valuable feedback for PhD student projects. In addition, members of the group have also taken part in a focus group for researchers from the University of Sheffield who are developing a funding bid for a study looking at interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness in care homes. They are also helping us pilot our online research training course for care home staff – URiCH (Understanding Research in Care Homes).

If you are a researcher developing a project that would benefit from feedback by the Research Advisory Group, please contact Deborah Hukins at deborah.hukins@nihr.ac.uk or telephone 01904 721956 for more information.