NIHR FluCare study

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR FluCare study
Are you a care home in the London, Leicestershire/Rutland and Norfolk areas? We are looking for older people’s care homes to take part in research to improve staff flu vaccination rates.
“We are seeking expressions of interest for care home participation and we have prepared a study outline for interested care homes (see below), which includes a link to our expression of interest form and a dedicated FluCare email address. We are seeking care homes (residential and/or nursing, registered for people over the age of 65), from London, Leicestershire/Rutland (LLR) and Norfolk. The feasibility study is taking place this flu season with the main study next year, so our priority at the moment is to get care homes interested and signed up as soon as possible. details below:
FluCare is a research study being run by the University of East Anglia and NHS Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group.
What is FluCare?
FluCare is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)-funded project exploring whether offering staff flu vaccination clinics in the care home can improve flu vaccination rates. The project will take place this flu season and the 2022 flu season.
What is involved?
- The researchers want to see if offering flu vaccination clinics specifically for staff in the care home, along with financial incentives for homes, can increase uptake.
- They are looking for care homes to take part in a small-scale study this Autumn and a large trial next year, again in the flu season.
- Some care homes will receive the flu vaccination clinics and others will not, but all homes will receive £500 for taking part in the study and providing monitoring information.
- The researchers will also want to interview some staff– staff who give up their time for interviews will also be paid.
- Within each care home, staff who complete a short online survey will be entered into a £100 voucher prize draw.
What types of care homes can get involved?
- The project is looking for residential or nursing care homes for people over the age of 65
- The care homes need to employ more than 10 staff
- The care homes need to be located in London, Norfolk or LLR (Leicester/Leicestershire/Rutland).
When will the project start?
- This October – see below on how to sign up
Why should your care home get involved?
- Your care home will receive £500 for participating
- It will help you to think about your flu vaccination strategy, as you will have sight of early findings
- It will help to build the evidence base for government on what works to improve flu vaccination, beyond the rather blunt instrument of mandatory vaccination and set out the case for more collaboration/ support for care home staff vaccination
What do I do to take part?
- Complete a FluCare expression of interest form by following this link
If you have any questions please contact: