NIHR funded study: Developing a scale of work-related quality of life for adult social care staff

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR funded study: Developing a scale of work-related quality of life for adult social care staff
Are you a member of adult social care staff or someone who has experience and/or knowledge of care work? If so, you are invited to participate in a survey, the results will inform the development of a measure of work-related quality of life for care workers, and will open up debate about working conditions and strategies for improving wellbeing at work in the adult social care sector in England.
Professor Shareen Hussein is leading a study to develop a measurement scale focussed on work-related quality of life for people working in social care – ‘Developing a scale of work-related quality of life for adult social care staff: Phase One’. The work is funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit programme.
The research team would like to invite you to participate in the final stage of this work, by completing a consensus survey on domains of work-related quality of life for social care workers. The survey should take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete and there is an option to enter a prize draw, with three prizes of £50 in high street vouchers.
The survey has been designed through earlier stages of work; specifically, reviewing current evidence, and carrying out interviews/focus group discussions with social care and policy experts, care workers and care providers.
The information that will be collected is not about your own experiences, instead the aim is to seek your views on key areas that might affect care workers’ wellbeing. The results will inform the development of a measure of work-related quality of life for care workers, and will open up debate about working conditions and strategies for improving wellbeing at work in the adult social care sector in England.
If you would like to take part in the survey, please click here.