NIHR – Music based interventions and dementia care

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR – Music based interventions and dementia care
Interested in research, music and dementia care? This might be just what you are looking for
“The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic.
In order to apply you will need to carefully review the:
Applications received by the advertised closing date will be considered at a first-stage funding committee meeting, and successful applicants will then be invited to submit a Stage 2 application. Applicants will have 8 weeks to complete and submit their Stage 2 application form, which will then be considered at the following HTA funding committee meeting. For more information, please read the commissioning brief.
All primary research projects are expected to establish a programme appointed Study Steering Committee and it is important that you read the Research Governance Guidance before completing your application. Costs incurred by this committee should be included in the budget as appropriate.
Studies within a trial or review
This funding opportunity is eligible for a SWAT/SWAR (study within a trial or study within a review), which can help significantly improve methodology of future research as well as the host study. Find out about the benefits of SWATs/SWARs and how to include one in your application.
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council collaborations
The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is considering its next round of joint funding with the NIHR, and may include this funding opportunity. If so, the NHMRC will invest a total of up to $3 million AUD to cover the Australian component of all research projects selected for funding, under all the calls it is supporting.
NHMRC will provide funding for the Australian-based Chief Investigator, in accordance with the standard NHMRC funding agreement and the NHMRC-NIHR Collaborative Research Grant Scheme guidelines. Please refer to the NHMRC website for more information. UK-only applications are also welcome.”
Opens 23 March 2023 – closes 13:00 on 29 November 2023
- For help with your application contact
- For more information about the funding Programme, visit the HTA Page