NIHR Research for Social Care – Competition 4

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR Research for Social Care – Competition 4
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Social Care (RfSC) programme fund research which generates evidence to improve, expand and strengthen the way adult social care is delivered for users of care services, carers, and the public. They are now open for applications – submission deadline is 19 January 2022.
NIHR RfSC research is expected to have a high degree of involvement from relevant users of social care and social care practitioners throughout the research.
RfSC welcomes high quality proposals from researchers and practitioners which are focused on:
- Social care needs and relevant outcomes (which could be quality of life, social or health care related, as appropriate to the study, population etc.)
- Developing a more robust evidence base for current ways of working
- Developing and evaluating new ways of delivering social care
- Secondary data analysis, record linkage and reviews
- Research methods development
- Care users’ and carers’ circumstances and needs
- Those who deliver social care including unpaid carers and the staff and professionals involved in the delivery of social care e.g. social workers.
Applicants considering submitting a Stage 1 application should consider submitting an outline of their proposal for guidance before official submission. This can be done using the pre-submission form. This is non-mandatory and purely aimed at helping potential applicants to engage with the requirements of the call (e.g. eligibility and remit). For other questions, contact
Submission deadline for application is 1pm on 19 January 2022.
For more details please click here