NIHR Research for Social Care – Dementia funding call

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR Research for Social Care – Dementia funding call
The NIHR Research for Social Care (RfSC) call is inviting proposals for studies to address important social care questions relating to dementia. Call closes 13:00 on 19 October 2021
Call summary
- This RfSC call is an important part of the Department of Health and Social Care and NIHR’s ongoing interest in strengthening dementia research in less well-supported areas, better understanding the needs of underserved populations and social care needs, as well as identifying best practice in relation to critical points, including diagnosis, hospitalisation, residential care and end-of-life care.
- The Research for Social Care (RfSC) call, is inviting proposals from eligible research teams to improve the evidence base around social care and dementia
- This call offers researchers considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic providing that it falls within RfSC’s dementia remit.
- This call is open to researchers at all career stages, and standard RfSC eligibility rules and criteria will apply. In particular we are looking for researchers from a wide selection of backgrounds, and early career researchers are especially welcomed.
- The call is for proposals up to £350,000 for a period of up to 36 months with projects needing to commence between 1 September 2022 and 1 March 2023.
- Applications are expected to have strong involvement and collaboration with organisations that are responsible for delivering social care and related social care services, for example local authorities and third sector, where appropriate. Applicants may wish to consult the NIHR guidance on co-producing research.
Closes: 13:00 on 19 October 2021
For further information visit website