NIHR Social Care Call (Programme Development Grants)

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
NIHR Social Care Call (Programme Development Grants)
The NIHR Programme Development Grant social care call seeks research proposals that address the challenges and aim to improve the evidence base for adult social care.
The NIHR Programme Development Grants (PDG) social care call seeks research proposals that address the challenges and aim to improve the evidence base for adult social care (including the transition from children’s to adult services). PDGs are available to carry out preparatory work to develop a future Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) research application on adult social care. They can also be obtained to further develop an existing or ongoing programme of research to explore social care perspectives arising from the programme.
Applications to the PDG social care call should be made with the support of an NHS body or other provider of NHS services in England. If an application is successful, a contract will be placed with that organisation for delivery of the research. All funds for the research will be paid to the NHS organisation or other provider of NHS services to administer and distribute to the collaborating organisations.
Deadline for proposals: 24 November 2021
Find out more here.