
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
NIHR – Engaging in research with care homes
A new resource to support the engagement process for working in the care home sector.
NIHR ARC Wessex – New approach to dementia care transforms care home life
Material Citizenship focuses on everyday objects as a way of increasing the confidence of staff working with people living with a dementia in care homes.
The LTC Covid Webinars: What can the English social care sector learn from the Netherlands, Denmark, Japan and France to recover from the COVID pandemic and become more resilient?
A series of webinars have been organised by LTC Covid to consider what happened in the English social care system during the pandemic but also to learn from other countries about what helped and hindered their response.
SUSTAIN project: co-design of self-management training resources for carers of older adults with joint pain and additional conditions
Are you a member of care staff with experience of caring for older people with multiple long-term conditions? The SUSTAIN project would like to hear from you
The National Institute for Health and Care Research are looking for reviewers from the care home sector
NIHR Evidence provides plain language summaries of health and care research so that the findings can be used more widely. The NIHR are looking for care home staff to help them decide which research studies should be shared on the NIHR Evidence website. This will involve reading a summary paragraph of a research paper, giving your view on how important it is and whether the findings could change the way things are done.
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Wessex – New approach to dementia care transforms care home life
A new evidence-based training programme transforming the way in which dementia care is delivered in care homes.
Getting involved in Research: As a Care Home
In this short video Elizabeth Hancock, a care home manager, shares her experience of taking part in care home research through her engagement with ENRICH
Latest from the Join Dementia Research service
The Join Dementia Research service now has 60,000 volunteers signed up to take part in research. This is really positive, but we always need more people to join us to help make research breakthroughs possible. So please encourage your residents and their families and friends to sign up for Join Dementia Research.
AFRI-c study: testing whether air filters can prevent winter respiratory infections (including COVID-19) in care homes
Are you a care home willing to take part in research? If so why not submit an expression of interest to the AFRI-c study, a study testing whether air filters can prevent respiratory infections
THRIVE Study: Care home nurses still need support to recover from COVID-19 trauma
Research shows that care home nurses still need support to recover from COVID-19 trauma