
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
University of Kent PSSRU – ASCOT 10th Anniversary Webinar Series
Join us to celebrate The Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit’s (ASCOT) 10th anniversary! A webinar series that celebrates a decade of outcome measurement in adult social care, bringing together an international network of researchers and experts in long-term care to present their findings and consider future research priorities.
12 October 12:30 -13:30
Registration is FREE!
Turning Care Homes Research into Practice: How Can Care Homes Research Have More Positive Impact on Everyday Care Home Practice?’
The British Society of Gerontology Care Home Special Interest Group Autumn Symposium brings to you this free event that focuses on how care homes research can have a more positive impact on everyday care home practice? Register for your place now!
NIHR funding call: Improving access and use of services for people with speech, language, and communication needs
Are you interested in conducting research to improve access and use of services for people with speech, language, and communication needs? Then this funding call could be for you.
A free to attend, half-day session funded and hosted by NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) South Central
Do you have an idea for a health, public health or social care research project, but don’t know how to get started? Are you thinking of a career in research, but feel intimidated at the prospect of finding training and funding? If “yes”, then register for our online Starting Research Workshop 2022!
‘Weighing up risks’: a model of care home staff decision-making about potential resident hospital transfers
Hot off the press! A new paper drawing on interview and ethnographic data, presenting a conceptual model to describe the decision-making processes that care home staff undertake prior to the transfer of a care home resident to hospital.
NIHR Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme calls for research proposals
NIHR Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme, are inviting proposals for research projects to address priorities for improving the lives of people living with or at risk of dementia, family and other carers. Deadline: Wednesday 7 September 16:30.
Care Roadshows London event – Future of Dementia Care
Do you have an interest in dementia care? Would you like to be part of a conversation discussing how it may develop and transform in the future? Then why not register for your free ticket to the Care Roadshows London. Registration required.
Kent Research Partnership’s Community of Practice (CoP) meeting – Supporting people with complex needs throughout the lifespan.
Please join our second meeting of the “Supporting people with complex needs throughout the lifespan” brought to you Kent Research Partnership’s Community of Practice (CoP) meetings.
Date: Wed 27 July, 12:30-2pm Register through Eventbrite
Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice 2022
Are you interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the US healthcare system and policy landscape, engaging in a series of leadership development activities and building a robust network for cross-national exchange and collaboration? If so, this call may be for you!
NIHR – New funding announced to support next generation of dementia researchers
Good news for dementia research – NIHR has introduced £11.8 million of funding for promising early career researchers to pursue dementia research and to build up their number and skills across the NIHR family. If you are an ECR or Post Doc this call may be of interest