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Current Research

Current Research Projects

The information on this page is sourced via the NIHR Open Data – Funded Portfolio API where projects contain the search phrase “care home”.

Information is updated quarterly with the last changes made at the end of September 2019.

To view additional information including abstracts and geographical data access the expanded results here.

Title Programme Status Award Start Date End Date Name Organisation
Understanding safety, risks and harm-benefit balances arising from home-based careHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchContracted£798823.132025-03-012027-02-28Cardiff University
Homecare workers as proxy healthcare professionals: Evaluating appropriateness, acceptability, and impactHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchContracted£595841.252025-03-012027-08-31King's College London
Understanding how and why live-in care packages are arranged and sustained, when dementia is the primary support need: A mixed methods study.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£515574.522025-01-012027-06-30University of Southampton
REFRESH study: nutRition intervEntions For malnouRished oldEr adultS in care Homes - A parallel, superiority, three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial.Health Technology AssessmentContracted£2786013.552025-01-012028-12-31University of Plymouth
Understanding and addressing variation in Emergency Department attendances and inpatient admissions from care homes: a mixed methods study.NIHR FellowshipsActive£8379682024-09-012027-08-31The University of Sheffield
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of the Action Falls rehabilitation programme compared to usual care alone to reduce falls in stroke survivors.Health Technology AssessmentActive£2302372.842024-09-012028-08-31The University of Nottingham
OPTIMISing personal care assistance for people with advancED DEMentia to reduce refusals of CARE in care homes (OPTIMISED-DEMCARE): intervention co-development and feasibility testingNIHR FellowshipsActive£9883372024-06-012029-01-31University of East Anglia
Mixed methods study to understand the scale, impact and care trajectory for patients who have long lie after a fall.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£731908.622024-04-012026-06-30Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
ProMoting divErsity and under represENteD staff in adult social care; attracting, recruiting and retaining more male care workers - The MEND studyResearch Programme for Social CareActive£3291192024-04-012026-01-31University of Leeds
Visual Intelligence applies Ai technology, designed to prevent falls and promote wellbeing in elderly patients in primary care home environments.Invention for InnovationComplete£489212024-04-012024-11-30ECLIPSE DIGITAL SOLUTIONS LIMITED
Selecting reablement models that best support people leaving hospital after an unplanned admissionHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£1219000.042024-03-012027-02-28London School of Economics & Political Science
Comprehensive geriatric assessment to sustain independence for older people living with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and frailtyHealth Technology AssessmentActive£2325944.742024-03-012028-12-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Reframing ‘wandering’ as a meaningful activity using realist synthesis and qualitative exploration: the FREEDEM studyResearch Programme for Social CareActive£3547812024-03-012025-08-28University of Sheffield
Optimising Structured Medication Reviews for Older People with Severe Frailty and Care Home Residents to Reduce Overprescribing and Associated InequalitiesHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£1035006.522024-01-012026-12-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Evaluating staff training and the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act in care homes for older adultsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£681852.832023-10-012026-03-31The University of Sheffield
Evaluation of the National Adult Social Care Volunteer schemePolicy Research ProgrammeActive£367629.092023-09-012025-03-14King's College London
Individual-level prediction of stroke risk following risperidone treatment in dementia: a mixed methods studyResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£1628022023-08-212024-09-20Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Development and Feasibility Trial of iSupport-PD, a Digital Intervention for carers of people with Parkinson’s and cognitive impairmentResearch Programme for Social CareActive£3469112023-06-012025-11-30University of Northumbria at Newcastle
SOcial Care Rapid evAluation TEam (SOCRATES)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£2424799.762023-05-012028-04-30London School of Economics & Political Science
Being kind to ourselves: A feasibility randomised controlled trial of Compassion Focused therapy (CFT) to improve depression and anxiety in DementiaResearch for Patient BenefitActive£2498652023-04-012025-09-29North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Care Home Activity Providers facilitating Public Involvement in research as meaningful activity for care home residents (CHAPPI)Research Programme for Social CareComplete£2254022023-04-012024-09-30University of East Anglia
Crossing the Line: Providing personal care in the context of families affected by dementiaResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£2539822022-12-012024-06-02Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Understanding interaction in problematic dementia and social care encountersResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£1367382022-11-012024-09-30Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Shaping care home COVID- testing policy: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of asymptomatic testing compared to standard care in care home staff (VIVALDI-CT)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£1070259.422022-11-012024-07-31University College London
Feasibility study of an intervention to provide nutritional care for people living with dementia at home (TOMATO: nuTritiOn and deMentia AT hOme)Research for Patient BenefitComplete£2479502022-11-012024-12-31Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust
Care Home Evidence-based Interventions to Reduce Infection that are Sustainable and Holistic (CHERISH)NIHR ProfessorshipsActive£19999682022-11-012027-10-31University College London
Evaluating a brief novel treatment for COVID-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Health and Social Care workforce: a pre-RCT preparatory studyResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£1533892022-10-012024-09-30South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The benefits and costs of domiciliary carePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1764012022-09-012023-11-30University of Kent
North East Palliative and End of Life Care CollaborativeHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£96637.112022-06-012023-12-31University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: A feasibility RCTResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£2782832022-04-012024-10-01University of Lincoln
Living alone with dementia: managing without informal support to contact and navigate servicesResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£3408362022-04-012024-05-31Sheffield Hallam University
A mixed-methods convergent parallel study into the impact of emergency laparotomy for older adults living with frailtyHEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic ProgrammeActive£2330442022-04-012025-03-31Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
ALLIANCE: Enhancing the quality of living and dying with advancing frailty through integrated care partnerships: Building research capacity and capabilityPublic Health ResearchComplete£95666.22022-02-012023-04-30University of Surrey
The impaCt Of dietary intake and Nutritional status in CarE homes on orAl heaLth: an EviDence synthesis (CONCEALED)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£2389282022-02-012024-07-31The Queen's University of Belfast
Digital and Remote Enhancements for the Assessment and Management of older people living with frailty (DREAM)Programme Development GrantsComplete£1474562022-01-012023-03-31Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Reducing unplanned hospital admissions from care homes: an updated and extended systematic reviewHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£88208.462021-11-012022-09-30The University of Sheffield
Caring Optimally: promoting effective Mouth MInuTes in care homes (COMMIT Study)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£296136.782021-10-012024-03-31University of Leeds
FluCare: Estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention to increase care home staff influenza vaccination ratesPublic Health ResearchActive£1449319.512021-09-012025-08-31NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board
REcruiting and RetAining nurses, and carers in Care Homes: what works, for which staff, under what circumstances, and at what cost? The REACH Realist ReviewHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£277466.82021-08-012023-10-31University of Leeds
Air Filtration to reduce Respiratory Infections (including COVID-19) in care homes: the AFRI-c cluster randomised controlled trial with nested internal pilot, process and economic evaluationsPublic Health ResearchComplete£2663303.432021-07-012024-12-31NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board
Maintaining the benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation With Harmonies And Melodies via Singing for Lung Health. The WHAM randomised feasibility study.Research for Patient BenefitActive£2489072021-06-012025-01-31Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Developing Research Practice Partnerships to deliver novel, sustainable collaborations between adult social care research and practice in the UKHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£1656080.392021-06-012025-05-31King's College London
Evaluating the integration of the Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) into primary care and its impact on patient treatment and care.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£880273.12021-05-012023-04-30University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust
'Achieving closure?’ Improving outcomes when care homes closeProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£12477782021-04-012024-12-31University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Learning from proactive deprescribing experiences within the Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study to develop national policy regarding deprescribing in care homes for older peoplePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1500002021-04-012022-03-31NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board
Exploring how the naturalistic skills of care-workers impact on the well-being of residents in care-homes: a micro-interactional study.Research for Patient BenefitComplete£1239822021-04-012022-09-30Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Supporting the spread of effective integration models for older people living in care homes: A mixed method approachResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£3748062021-04-012023-09-30The University of Manchester
A mixed methods rapid evaluation investigating the use of pulse oximetry in care homes across England to manage residents with COVID-19 and long-term health conditionsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£02021-03-012021-06-30UCL Institute of Child Health
REVOLUTIONARY SENSOR FOR DETECTING FAECAL INCONTINENCEInvention for InnovationComplete£1492382021-03-012022-05-31Oxford Optronix Limited
uSing rolE-substitutioN In care hOmes to improve oRal health (SENIOR)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchActive£1493329.952021-01-012025-09-30Bangor University
The other keyworkers in care homes: implications of including domestic staff in social care workforce strategies and practices relating to Covid-19 recoveryPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1671922021-01-012021-10-31King's College London
Understanding the factors that shape care homes’ responses to Government COVID-19 guidance on visiting arrangementsPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£2013262021-01-012023-03-31London School of Economics & Political Science
A randomised controlled trial and feasibility study of the effects of an e-health intervention ‘iSupport’ for reducing distress of dementia carers, especially in the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19.Public Health ResearchComplete£1462406.42021-01-012023-12-31Bangor University
PROphylactic TrEatment of COVID in Care Homes Trial (PROTECT-CH)NIHRComplete£1141045.042021-01-012021-12-31The University of Nottingham
Rapid evaluation of the care home response to the need for palliative and end-of-life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: integration, communication and workforce resilience (CovPall_CareHome)Policy Research ProgrammeComplete£1817642021-01-012022-06-30King's College London
Protecting older people living in care homes from COVID-19: challenges and solutions to implementing social distancing and isolation.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£290903.32020-11-012022-02-28King's College London
End of life care in care homes: supporting the workforce and reducing hospitalisationsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£540416.52020-10-012023-07-31University of Stirling
CONtact TrAcing in Care homes using digital Technology (CONTACT) - A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial, cost-effectiveness evaluation and theory-informed process evaluation.Health Technology AssessmentComplete£1115836.072020-10-012022-08-31University of Leeds
Building a policy and sector-relevant evidence-base of the relationships between care home staffing and quality: developing insights and using novel methodological approachesPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1352782020-10-012022-07-31University of Leeds
‘StOP UTI’ - STrategies for Older People living in care homes to prevent Urinary Tract Infection: a realist synthesis of the evidenceHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£221436.992020-09-012022-02-28University of Southampton
Developing a novel model for the implementation of falls management in a care home setting.NIHR FellowshipsActive£4822392020-09-012027-02-28University of Nottingham, The
Community-based complex interventions to sustain independence in older people, stratified by frailty: a systematic review and network meta-analysisHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£336901.032020-04-012022-03-31University of Leeds
Models of Support for Moderate needs in Older People (MSMOP)Policy Research ProgrammeActive£14403172020-02-012025-07-31London School of Economics & Political Science
Using early warning systems in care homes during the COVID pandemic: A mixed method studyResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2332672019-11-012021-05-03NHS Commissioning Board - NHS North of England CSU
Developing research resources And minimum data set for Care Homes' Adoption and use (the DACHA study)Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£2637432.342019-11-012024-04-30University of Hertfordshire
Developing a scale of work-related wellbeing at work for adult social care staff (ASCOT-STAFF): Phase OneResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£1807472019-09-092021-09-08University of Kent
Finding and funding social care: a qualitative study of the experiences of self-funders.Research Programme for Social CareComplete£2857092019-09-012021-05-31University of York
Understanding stakeholders’ perspectives on implementing deprescribing in care homes (STOPPING)Research for Patient BenefitComplete£1532242019-08-012022-07-31Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Delivering safe, effective nutrition and hydration care to residents with dysphagia: a theory-based approach to developing a link dysphagia practitionerResearch Programme for Social CareComplete£1594952019-08-012021-05-31The University of West London
Engaging General Practitioners in Service Development and Quality Improvement in Care Homes: a Realist Synthesis of the Published EvidenceHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£148956.222019-06-012020-08-31The University of Nottingham
Identifying trajectories of progression of frailty in elderly individualsResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£1495502019-04-012022-03-31Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Improving the Oral Health of Older People in Care Homes: a Feasibility Study (TOPIC)Public Health ResearchComplete£473417.652018-12-012023-11-30University College London
Dementia - Person Aligned Care Team (D-PACT)Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£27448202018-11-042024-02-02Devon Partnership NHS Trust
Personalised care for people with Parkinson’s Disease: PD-CareProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchActive£25709832018-11-012025-10-31Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Improving mealtime care for people with dementia – a training intervention for care home staffHEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic ProgrammeComplete£170903.742018-06-012021-05-31The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Conversations on living and dying: facilitating advance care planning for community-dwelling older people with frailtyHEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic ProgrammeComplete£253359.482018-04-012021-08-31King's College London
Developing 'frailty fit' pulmonary rehabilitation services for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseNIHR FellowshipsComplete£580954.872017-12-012022-05-31King's College London
Personalised care planning to improve quality of life for older people with frailtyProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchActive£34925012017-10-012025-08-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Relationship between care home staffing and quality of care: a mixed methods approachHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£930693.312017-07-012022-03-31University of Leeds
ELECtric Tibial nerve stimulation to Reduce Incontinence in Care homes: ELECTRICHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£1196879.872017-07-012020-06-30Glasgow Caledonian University
Improving the quality of care in care homes by care home staffHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£664371.672017-07-012020-06-30University of Sussex
Optimising hearing-Related Communication for care Home Residents with Dementia (ORCHARD): a realist synthesisResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£1477452017-04-012018-09-30Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Developing, implementing and testing a new intervention to improve healthy living in older people with frailty. The Holistic Assessment and care Planning in Partnership Intervention (HAPPI) Study.HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic ProgrammeComplete£2987652017-04-012021-06-30Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Individually randomised controlled multi-centre trial to determine the clinical and cost effectiveness of a home-based exercise intervention for older people with frailty as extended rehabilitation following acute illness or injury, including embedded process evaluationHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£2387728.272017-03-012023-05-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Organising general practice for care homes: A multi-method studyHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£502797.432017-01-012021-02-28University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The Namaste Care intervention to improve the quality of dying for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: A realist review and feasibility study for a cluster randomised controlled trialHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£507530.842016-12-012019-03-31Lancaster University
Innovation to enhance health in care homes: Rapid evidence synthesisHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£2049802016-08-012017-07-31University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The Metoclopramide and selective oral decontamination for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial: a 2x2 double-blind, randomized controlled trial of metoclopramide and selective oral decontamination for the prevention of pneumonia in patients with dysphagia after an acute strokeHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£853259.812016-07-012019-01-31University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Managing clinical uncertainty for older people in community hospitals to improve communication and palliative care; development, implementation and evaluation of the SPACEtoolkit – Symptom and Psychosocial Assessment and Communication EvaluationHEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic ProgrammeComplete£3184862016-06-012021-09-30King's College London
Estimating the benefits and harms of Z-drugs for people with dementia and sleep disordersHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£279961.422016-06-012018-06-30University of East Anglia
A multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people.(FinCH)Health Technology AssessmentComplete£1801970.922016-05-012020-08-31The University of Nottingham
An evaluation of a multifaceted intervention to reduce antimicrobial prescribing in care home residents [REducing Antimicrobials in Care Homes (REACH)]: a non-randomised feasibility study and process evaluationHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£603563.842016-04-012018-03-31The Queen's University of Belfast
Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED)Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£30274462016-03-142023-01-12Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Understanding the factors that influence why people with dementia make transitions from the community to acute hospital care settings in the last months of life: a retrospective cohort study (Project U-Care)Integrated Academic Training ProgrammeComplete£854274.492016-03-012021-08-31King's College London
DREAMS (Dementia Related Manual for Sleep) START (Strategies for Relatives)Health Technology AssessmentComplete£404291.162016-02-012017-10-31University College London
Developing a sustainable research programme to prevent falls and promote physical activity among older people with dementia.NIHR FellowshipsComplete£583243.162016-01-012018-12-31Bournemouth University
Enhancing selection of the healthcare workforce: a programme of psychometric epidemiologyNIHR FellowshipsComplete£667171.462016-01-012020-12-31University of York
Fluoride interventions to prevent dental decay in care home residents: A randomised feasibility study.NIHR FellowshipsComplete£4882382016-01-012022-11-30King's College London
Probiotic to Reduce Infections iN CarE home Service userS (PRINCESS)Efficacy and Mechanism EvaluationComplete£1868848.872015-09-012019-05-31University of Oxford
Understanding the outcomes of people with cognitive impairment and/or dementia admitted to the general hospital.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£292752.282015-06-012017-09-30University of Stirling
Is it possible to develop a complex intervention to improve the outcome of fall-related injuries in people with dementia?Health Technology AssessmentComplete£472808.842015-06-012018-11-30University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Service (CHIPPS): Development and delivery of a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine both its effectiveness and cost-effectivenessProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£19793862015-05-012020-10-31NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board
Reducing rates of avoidable hospital admissions: Optimising an evidence-based intervention to improve care for Ambulatory Care Sensitive conditions in nursing homes.Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£11103122015-03-012019-01-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Managing uncertainty to reduce emergency bed days in older patientsProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£998382015-02-012016-01-31NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG
Assessment and satisfaction of services for Juvenile Huntington's Disease and modelling alternative methods of service organisationResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2163212014-11-012018-04-30Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Management of pain in people with dementia living in care homes: Programme and intervention developmentProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£648972014-10-202016-01-20Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Managing Faecal Incontinence in people with advanced dementia resident in Care Homes, a realist synthesis of the evidence (FINCH study)Health Technology AssessmentComplete£1932982014-09-012015-12-31University of Hertfordshire
A study to understand and optimise community hospital ward care in the NHSHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£5176312014-07-012017-10-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Embedding a Human Rights based approach to dementia careHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£407317.082014-05-012016-09-30Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Investigation of the Delirium Observation Screening Scale for the routine detection of delirium in care homes by care home staffResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£3050452014-05-012016-08-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Carer and patient-led development of recommendations for people with dementia returning home from hospital: understanding what is importantResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2225172014-04-012016-03-31University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Optimising palliative care for older people in the community: development and evaluation of a new short term integrated serviceResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2589202013-11-072016-05-06Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
EFFECTIVE HOME SUPPORT IN DEMENTIA CARE: COMPONENTS, IMPACT AND COSTS OF TERTIARY PREVENTIONProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£21474252013-09-012020-03-31Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
The START (STrAtegies for RelaTives) study: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a manual based coping strategy programme in promoting the mental health of carers of people with dementia - cohort follow-upHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£98157.062013-09-012018-08-31University College London
Evaluating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) to enable person-centred Care for people with dementia and their carers: A UK cluster randomised controlled trial in care homes (DCM EPIC trial)Health Technology AssessmentComplete£2331948.262013-09-012017-12-31Leeds Beckett University
Randomised controlled trial of protective stockings against usual care to reduce skin tears and bruises in high risk elderly people living in care homes: a pilot studyResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2480632013-07-082015-07-07Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
C-CHANGE: Delivering high quality and cost-effective care across the range of complexity for those with advanced conditions in the last year of lifeProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£19729612013-06-012018-09-30King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Development and preliminary testing of strategies to enhance routine physical activity in care homesProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£15312032013-05-012018-01-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
PRevention Of Falls in COGnitively impaired older adults living in residential care (PROF-COG)A pilot multi-factorial intervention to prevent falls in older people living in care homes tailored towards risk factors related to cognitive impairmentResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2064862013-02-042014-08-03King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
A multi-site evaluation of the Person, Interactions & Environment (PIE) tool to improve person-centred care for people with dementia admitted to acute hospital wardsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£4429792013-02-012016-03-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Models of care for the delivery of secondary fracture prevention after hip fracture: a health service cost, clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness study within one RegionHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£521351.032013-01-012015-06-30University of Oxford
Right cot, right place, right time. Using neonatal care data and computer simulation to improve the design and organisation of neonatal care networks.Health and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£1321142013-01-012014-05-31University of Exeter
Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settingsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£715678.42013-01-012016-04-30University of Hertfordshire
Assistive Technology and Telecare to maintain Independent Living At home for people with dementia: The ATTILA TrialHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£1761419.422013-01-012019-03-31South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Root causes of adverse drug events in nursing home residents with diabetes: enhancing safety in medicines managementResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2057822012-12-012015-05-31Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
The prevalence of visual impairment in people with dementiaHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£436546.832012-10-012014-09-30The College of Optometrists
A feasibility study to inform the design of a future randomised controlled trial to evaluate a falls prevention intervention in care homesResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£1433222012-07-012015-01-31Nottingham CityCare Partnership
Towards an evidence-based clinical management of visual hallucinations: prevalence, prognosis, impact and pathophysiologyProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£19315092012-06-012018-11-30South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Improve the health and wellbeing of older people and the quality of community care they receive, especially for people living with dementia.NIHR ProfessorshipsComplete£1149052.042012-05-012017-08-31The University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Pilot trial of Stop Delirium! A complex intervention to prevent delirium in care homes for older peopleResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2491972012-03-052014-06-04Bradford District Care NHS Foundation NHS Trust
The Patient Experience of the MRSA Screening Process and the Impact of an MRSA-Positive ResultPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£645162012-01-052012-12-31University of West London
Valuing Active Life In Dementia (VALID)Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£21696252012-01-012018-06-30North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Development of a simple tool for diagnosis of impending water-loss dehydration in the community.NIHR FellowshipsComplete£491183.582012-01-012015-03-31University of East Anglia
Randomised controlled trial, economic and process evaluation of domiciliary welfare rights advice for socio-economically disadvantaged older people recruited via primary health care (DO-WELL Trial)Public Health ResearchComplete£798883.512011-12-012015-12-31University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Developing an evidence-based intervention to improve health care for, and prevent avoidable hospital admission of, older care home residents with frailty or dementia.Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£966612011-11-012013-01-31Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
PANICOA Care Home Final Study; In Depth Examination of CarePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£5262692011-03-212013-01-10University of East Anglia
I can't forget to worry': A pilot randomised controlled trial of CBT for anxiety in people with dementia.Research for Patient BenefitComplete£1997752010-10-302013-04-29North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Collaborative care and active surveillance for screen-positive elders with sub-clinical depression: a pilot study and definitive and randomised evaluation - the CASPER trialHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£1423871.742010-09-012014-10-31University of York
Probiotics for Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea (including clostridium difficile) in care homes: establishing the platform and a randomised controlled trial (The PAAD Study)Health Technology AssessmentComplete£855392.882010-07-012013-10-31Cardiff University
An Optimized Person Centred Intervention to Improve Mental Health and Reduce Antipsychotics amongst People with Dementia in Care HomesProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£21060042010-04-012016-03-31Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Multi-professional clinical medication reviews in care homes for the elderly. A randomised controlled trial with cost-effectiveness studyResearch for Patient BenefitComplete£2673602010-03-012013-10-31NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG
An investigation of the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) system of care in NHS acute trusts to prevent deliriumProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£20302272009-12-012015-09-30Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
How can I tell you what’s going on here? The perspectives of residents with dementia living in care homes.Policy Research ProgrammeComplete£651332009-12-012011-03-31University of Worcester
The START (STrAtegies for RelaTives) study: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a manual based coping strategy programme in promoting the mental health of carers of people with dementiaHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£1396776.992009-09-012013-11-30University College London
A cluster randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke living in UK care-homesHealth Technology AssessmentComplete£1797676.092009-09-012015-08-31University of East Anglia
Analysis of Secondary data sources studyPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£800772009-06-012011-03-31King's College London
Promoting Excellence in All Care Homes (PEACH) Exploring Knowledge, Practices & Training Needs of the Care Home WorkforcePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£4492662009-04-012012-03-31Cardiff University
Dignity and Respect in Residential Care: Issues for Black and Minority Ethnic GroupsPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1482022009-02-162011-03-15University of Stirling
A study to develop integrated working between primary health care services and care homesHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£4327112009-01-012011-12-31University of Hertfordshire
Community-based evaluation of 'Preferred Place of Care' in the North West of England.Research for Patient BenefitComplete£2476462008-10-012011-03-31Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Better mental health care for older people in general hospitalsHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£425077.522008-09-012011-08-31The University of Nottingham
Interprofessional team-work across stroke care pathways: outcomes and patient and carer experienceHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£4279782008-09-012011-09-30St George's, University of London
Evidence into practice: evaluating a child centred intervention for diabetes medicine managementHealth and Social Care Delivery ResearchComplete£615089.312008-04-012012-09-30Cardiff University
The experiences and expectations of older people resident in care homes, their carers and professionals of end of life care and symptom relief needs: a prospective study.Research for Patient BenefitComplete£2376272008-01-012010-05-31East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Workforce Training and Development in the Context of the Statutory Framework for Social Care SectorPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£380102007-09-012009-01-31King's College London
Changing practice in dementia care in the community: developing and testing evidence-based interventions, from timely diagnosis to end of life.Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£20806662007-08-012013-01-31Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Management of Challenging Behaviour in dementia at home and in care homesProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£20827342007-08-012013-07-31Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
National Trends and Local Delivery in Old Age Mental Health Services: Towards an evidence-baseProgramme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£12767072007-08-012012-07-31Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Support at Home - Interventions to Enhance Life in Dementia (SHIELD)Programme Grants for Applied ResearchComplete£21677742007-08-012014-01-31North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Follow-Up of Care Home Residents to Determine Evolution of MRSA Carriage and Effects of Colonization Status on Health OutcomePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1990332006-10-012010-03-31Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University Of KentPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£2650349.012006-01-012011-03-31University of Kent
Personal Social Services Research Unit at the London School of Economics and Political SciencePolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£31102992006-01-012011-03-31London School of Economics & Political Science
Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University Of ManchesterPolicy Research ProgrammeComplete£1154767.472006-01-012011-02-28The University of Manchester
Does Benchmarking Improve Bowel Care in Care Home Settings?Policy Research ProgrammeComplete£594412005-11-012007-10-31University of Hertfordshire