Supporting care-home nurses’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic – THRIVE Study.

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Supporting care-home nurses’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic – THRIVE Study.
Are you a qualified nurse working in a nursing home or care home for older people? if yes, would you like to take part in two workshops about how best to help care home nurses’ wellbeing?
The workshops will be online and each will take approx. 2 hours. We are able to reimburse you for your time at £55 for each workshop.
In the last six months we have interviewed 18 care home nurses, who have told us a lot about what life has been like for them during COVID, the hard bits and the positive things. In the next stage, we want to involve care home nurses in workshops, to find out how best to support you going forward. What kinds of things will help your well-being? Further details can be found on our THRIVE website.
If you are interested, please contact either Dr Linda Birt (; Telephone: 01603 593298) or Dr Kathleen Lane (; Telephone: 01603 597218) from the University of East Anglia. If phoning either Linda or Kathleen, please leave a message on the answer phone and they will ring you back.
This study is funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing and approved by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee at University of East Anglia.
We will be recruiting for this study until 30th November 2021.