Survey on care homes led by University of Newcastle (DACHA Study)

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Survey on care homes led by University of Newcastle (DACHA Study)
A national online survey about care home data collection and sharing (The DACHA Study) is open and looking for care homes to take part to have their say.
Have your say about data collection in care homes
Can you spare a few minutes to complete a survey on data collection in care homes? Everyone knows that care homes already collect a vast amount of information, but its not clear how much variation there is, in what is collected.
Why is this of interest?
Other countries specify a minimum set of data to be collected by care homes. There is growing interest in whether this would be a good thing for the UK to do.
This survey is part of a bigger study involving eight universities. The survey is being run from Newcastle University with support from the University of Kent and others. It aims to identify what data are already being collected, and help us to understand how a minimum dataset would impact on workloads in care homes.
Please take part to make sure voices from care homes are heard.
In summary:
- This online survey is for a manager or a member of care staff to complete
- It should take no longer than 10-15 minutes
- Only 1 survey response is needed per Care Home
- A certificate of participation will be provided
TO TAKE PART: Click this link to access the survey
When you have completed the survey, please email to receive your certificate of participation
If you would like to find out more, there is a study website
Or contact Emily McKean or Barbara Hanratty