Taking a break. Use of residential respite by people with dementia and carers: access, experience, outcomes.

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Taking a break. Use of residential respite by people with dementia and carers: access, experience, outcomes.
Researchers at Kings College London university are currently looking for people to take part in a study. In particular, they are looking for family carers, and for people living with dementia.
“A 2-year study is being carried out by researchers at King’s College London university investigating the use of ‘residential respite’ services (e.g. a short stay in a care home) which provide a break for both people with dementia and their carers. The research focuses on short stays in care homes (known as residential respite).
We want to hear about the arrangements, expectations and experiences. What do people get out of them, and why do some people decide it is not for them? We would value your help so we can better understand what works well and what could be better.
We would talk to you via phone or Zoom/Skype and offer you £10 to thank you for your time. Please email Laura Cole if you would like more information or might want to take part: Laura.cole@kcl.ac.uk
For more details on this study click here
The study is funded by an Alzheimer’s Society grant