The NIHR are offering Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
The NIHR are offering Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals
The National Institute for Health Research are funding a completely new and exciting pre-doctoral opportunity for all individuals based within local authorities or local authority commissioned services, but especially for those without social worker or clinician status.
The National Institute for Health Research are funding exciting new pre-doctoral opportunities for Local Authority and LA commissioned service based individuals.
“This pilot scheme is being designed, alongside a companion doctoral fellowship scheme, to support individuals based in local authorities or local authority commissioned services to develop as health and/or social care researchers.
The scheme will fund individuals of any profession to undertake Masters level academic training and prepare an application for a doctoral fellowship whilst retaining their existing employment and practice.
Although full details have yet to be formalised, this scheme will be fully salaried and mirror the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme’s pre-doctoral scheme. Prospective applicants should refer to the applicant guidance documentation for that scheme in the interim, ignoring the ICA specific eligibility criteria that pertain to professional status and clinical (as opposed to broader professional) practice.
Eligibility for support will be dependent on a proposal that includes employment by a local authority or local authority commissioned service.
This new funding represents a completely new and exciting opportunity for all individuals based within local authorities or local authority commissioned services, but especially for those without social worker or clinician status. Local authority associated clinicians and social workers are welcome to apply for support from this focussed scheme or from the ICA Programme, but cannot apply to both concurrently.”
Indicative timescales
Application forms available: 28 January 2021
Deadline for application submission: 18 March 2021
Award uptake by successful applicants: from 1 September 2021
Deadline for application submission: 18 March 2021
Award uptake by successful applicants: from 1 September 2021
For more information click here