The Queen’s Nursing Institute – Standards of Education and Practice for Nurses New to Care Home Nursing

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
The Queen’s Nursing Institute – Standards of Education and Practice for Nurses New to Care Home Nursing
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published a report focusing on care homes for older residents who require nursing care to be provided by a care home.
“The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) to develop standards of education and practice which would support the transition of a Registered Nurse who is new to working in the care home sector. For the purpose of this report the focus will be on Care Homes for older residents who require nursing care to be provided by the home.
The development of these standards is timely as the focus and attention being given to Care Homes is greater than it has ever been, demonstrating a policy shift to community based, integrated health and social care across all community care delivery (NHSE 2014; NHSE/I 2019). Reports show there is an increase in the number of people over the age of 65 who are requiring either residential or nursing care (Bennett et al 2018; NHSE/I 2019). The British Geriatric Society (2016) suggest that 75-80% of those living in Care Homes have cognitive impairment with the average care home resident having multiple long-term conditions, functional dependency and frailty.”
If you would like access to this report please click here