The Richmond Group Report: Physical activity and long term health conditions resources.

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
The Richmond Group Report: Physical activity and long term health conditions resources.
The Richmond Group of Charities have been working with our partners Mind, Parkinson’s UK, MS Society and Sport England to tackle physical inactivity amongst people with long term health conditions. We’ve delivered a number of projects, developed our insight and synthesised the findings into an Evaluation Report
In the report you’ll find our learning about what works to support people with long term conditions to be active, what some of the barriers are, and how we went about collaborating to deliver greater impact. There are a number of different recommendations for anyone funding, developing, delivering, and evaluating physical activity behaviour change projects for people with long term conditions.
We’ve also developed a suite of Physical Activity and Long Term Conditions Resource Packs aimed at:
- the health and care workforce
- health and care organisations
- and the sports and physical activity sector
The packs include:
- four ways to make a difference and help people with long term health conditions be more active
- a summary of useful statistics and essential information about physical activity and long term health conditions including why it’s important to engage with this issue and how supporting people to be active can help organisations
- tailored resources and case studies that give examples of how to act upon the information in practice.
For more information on the report click here