Understanding the lived experience of infection transmission in care homes

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Understanding the lived experience of infection transmission in care homes
Do you work in a care home? Do you have 10-12 minutes to complete a survey to help us understand the lived experience of infection transmission in care homes?
Exploring and Understanding the lived experience in CAre homes for older people of Infection risk and transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study to inform what we can learn for future infectious disease outbREaks (UCAIRE)
The UCAIRE study is exploring how care-home residents, staff and families and friends of residents experienced coping with infection-control measures and preventing the spread of COVID-19. It is a one-year, mixed-methods study comprising an online survey for staff and qualitative interviews with residents, family/friends of residents and care-home staff. Findings will inform supporting care homes in future outbreaks of highly infectious diseases and those living and working in care homes.
An NIHR School for Social Care Research-funded study, UCAIRE, aims to understand the lived experience of infection transmission in care homes. Staff working in any role in older people’s care homes in the UK are invited to complete the UCAIRE online survey.
Inclusion criteria for staff participating in the online survey are as follows:
– Adults aged >18yrs who have worked ≥8 shifts in last four months in the UK
– Employed in any job role in an older people’s care home (e.g., office, estates, domestic, caring, management)
The survey takes about 10-12 minutes to complete and will be available until 30 November 2021.
Click here to access the online survey
Click here to access the UCAIRE study website (which includes the survey link)
If you work in a care home, we would be grateful if you would pass this along to make all care-home staff aware of the online survey.
If you have colleagues who link with older people’s care homes, we would appreciate you relaying this email to them.
Please contact the Principal Investigator if you have any questions about UCAIRE:
Dr Kathleen Lane, Research Fellow, University of East Anglia (UEA),kathleen.lane@uea.ac.uk