Guest Blog

ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Welcome to the ENRICH guest blog
Read the real-life experiences of people involved in care home research.
Anyone with a story or advice they'd like to share is encouraged to make contact using the contact us page.
Read about current news and developments for care homes research in the new posts section.
“Are you coming back tomorrow?”
Alys Griffiths
The benefits of Care Home research for care homes, residents and families.
A Step in the Right Direction
Eleanor Sowerby
My interest in health research began in 1998 when I decided to take a long awaited leap into the nursing profession.
A care home managers take on research
Robin Willmott
We care home managers are really keen to work with and develop research. So why don’t we?
Care Home Research in the East Midlands
Clare Litherland
Opening the EnRICH doors to Care Homes across the East Midlands has been a quiet revolution.
Understanding Dementia: A Granddaughter’s Tale
Riona McArdle
My grandmother died when I was eighteen years old, having been diagnosed with Alzehimer’s Disease several years beforehand. I did not see her much as her dementia started to progress; I believe it would have been a landmine of confusion for both of us.
Recruiting care homes into research studies
Danni Collingridge Moore
Improving care in care homes is a national and international priority. I truly believe that a good quality evidence base is key to advocating change, and this isn’t going to happen without care homes being involved in research.
Understanding care home research
Francesca LaFrenais
Care home research has traditionally been considered too difficult, and perhaps unnecessary, but while there are challenges to working in this sector, it can be very rewarding. I have reflected on my own experiences working as a researcher in this environment.
Getting to grips with care home research
Martin Rossor
The ‘Enabling Research in Care Home (ENRICH)’ toolkit provides information and guidance for researchers, care home staff and residents and supports research in care homes to improve the quality of life and care for all care home residents, especially those with dementia.
What is the point of a Research Ready Care Home Network?
Adam Smith
The Research Ready Care Home Network connects care home residents, managers and staff with researchers. Why is this important? Well, there are lots of reasons…