
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
NIHR Research for Social Care (competition 5)
The NIHR Research for Social Care (RfSC) call is a bi-annual competition specifically for social care proposals. The aim of the RfSC call is to fund topics and research methodologies that increase the effectiveness of social care services, provide value for money and benefit service users and carers. Deadline September 14th.
The Richmond Group Report: Physical activity and long term health conditions resources.
The Richmond Group of Charities have been working with our partners Mind, Parkinson’s UK, MS Society and Sport England to tackle physical inactivity amongst people with long term health conditions. We’ve delivered a number of projects, developed our insight and synthesised the findings into an Evaluation Report
NIHR Adult social care needs assessment and care planning
The Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme is accepting stage one applications for adult social care needs assessment and care planning. Closing date: 13;00 on 19 July 2022.
NIHR Research for Social Care call for research proposals
The Research for Social Care (RfSC) call is inviting research proposals that will generate evidence to improve, expand and strengthen the way social care is delivered for people who draw on social care support and services, carers, and the public. The deadline for submission of applications is 13:00 on 14 September 2022.
Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps
New report out: Improving inclusion in health and care research: reflections and next steps
Webinar – Retention and Sustainability of Social Care Workforce project (RESSCW) study.
This webinar provides an opportunity to engage with the sector and share key findings and implications from the Retention and Sustainability of Social Care Workforce project (RESSCW) study, funded by the Health Foundation Efficiency Research Programme. The project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Kent, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, City University of London and University College London, with the strategic partnership of Skills for Care.
NIHR SSCR call for Applications for Developing Research Leaders
Are you interested in developing your career as a research leader in adult social care in England? If so this could be for you.
New Webinar Mini Series for Dementia Awareness Week
If you are caring for a person living with a dementia these free webinars may be of interest to you.
Let’s ExCHANGE! An invitation to collaborate on important care homes research
Are you interested in collaborative care home research? Do you want to enhance the quality of life of people in care homes? Then this invitation is for you.
New Publication – Did the UK Government Really Throw a Protective Ring Around Care Homes in the COVID-19 Pandemic?
In this publication researchers explore whether the UK Government really did throw a protective ring around care homes during Covid-19