
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
Supporting Social Care Research in South Central
Supporting Social Care Research in South Central is an event organised by the NIHR bringing together researchers, practitioners, commissioners and users of social care, with an interest in research. The event will take place on Wed, 26 May 2021 09:45 – 13:00. Register on Eventbright to attend.
The NIHR School for Social Care Research – Developing Research Leaders Awards call
As part of the NIHR School for Social Care Research’s commitment to developing research capacity in adult social care, we are inviting Stage 1 applications for Developing Research Leaders Awards. The deadline for Stage 1 applications is 16.30 on Thursday 3 June 2021. Applicants are asked to submit an Intention to Submit by 16.30 on Thursday 20 May 2021
The Queen’s Nursing Institute – Standards of Education and Practice for Nurses New to Care Home Nursing
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published a report focusing on care homes for older residents who require nursing care to be provided by a care home.
NIHR study – Virtual quizzes involving several care homes are feasible and might reduce loneliness and social isolation
Loneliness and isolation in care home residents are long-standing issues which are likely to have intensified during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Virtual interventions are particularly relevant during lockdown but are also valuable for care homes in other times. This NIHR study provides findings from a study exploring the usefulness of virtual quizzes.
The British Geriatrics Society: ‘Through the visor’ – new report reflecting on multidisciplinary experiences of the COVID-19 first wave
The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) has published a report from a survey of its members describing the experiences of working through the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. With respondents representing over twenty different professions working in acute, community and primary care, it is believed to be the only survey capturing the full breadth of multidisciplinary health professionals’ experiences caring for older people across the four nations.
AGENET Webinar: A year of COVID-19 in care homes
AGENET are delighted to welcome guest speaker Professor Adam Gordon from University of Nottingham, who will discuss how he has engaged with care home staff during the pandemic and newly funded studies focused on prevention of COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes. Dr Melanie Handley from CRIPACC will also present work on “Top Tips for Tricky Times”. The event will be held virtually (via Zoom) on Thursday 18th March, 1.30pm to 3pm.
NIHR School for Social Care Research Funding
The NIHR School for Social Care Research (NIHR SSCR) invites proposals to support individuals to develop their careers in adult social care research in England. This is part of NIHR SSCR’s commitment to build research capacity in adult social care.
Health Foundation research reveals scale of reduction in hospital treatment for care home residents and warns of backlog of pent-up demand for NHS care
New research by the Health Foundation shows that the amount of hospital care received by those living in care homes in England rapidly declined in the first three months of the pandemic in 2020 and was substantially lower than in the same period in 2019.
Invitation to care assistants and nurses working in care homes to complete the Antipsychotics in Dementia Attitude Questionnaire (ADAQ)
Professor Parastou Donyai from University of Reading would like to invite care home staff to take part in an online survey exploring care staff attitudes to the use of antipsychotic drug for people with dementia.
Care home staff invited to take part in a survey study
This survey will take approximately 5-10 mins to complete and will ask you 12 questions about your experiences with residents’ bedtimes, napping and monitoring residents at night.