
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
How everyday objects can improve quality of life for people with dementia living in care homes
The Guardian published an article today discussing a care home project showing how mundane tasks like collecting breakfast trays and polishing is good for residents’ wellbeing.
NIHR PenARC Webinar – Care Home Research: Progress, Pitfalls and Potential
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South West Peninsula – or PenARC are hosting a webinar in which Prof Adam Gordon will reflect on the lessons for research conducted with and by the care home sector during the pandemic, and what we can learn from this as we approach some normality during the process of 2021.
New international “living” report: Long-Term Care and COVID-19 vaccination, prioritization and data
Long-Term Care – COVID have published an international ‘living report’ to be regularly updated providing an overview of data and policies in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations for people who use and provide long-term care.
THIS Institute fellowship: COVID-19 – care homes and primary care
THIS Institute seeks an experienced researcher to lead COVID-19 – care homes and primary care study
The WHELD programme for people with dementia helps care home staff deliver person-centred care
The WHELD programme is an evidence-based programme that helps care home staff deliver person-centred care to people living with dementia
NIHR CRN East Midlands – Developing social care research culture and capacity in the East Midlands
The Clinical Research Network (CRN) East Midlands are working in collaboration with the University of Lincoln on a programme of work to develop social care research culture and research capacity in the area.
NIHR Research Design Service South Central Essential Guide to Grant Applications
You can now register your interest for the ‘Essential Guide to Grant Applications’ masterclass taking place from Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th March 2021 on our Eventbrite page.
The NIHR are offering Doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals
The National Institute for Health Research are offering a new and exciting opportunity for all individuals based within local authorities or local authority commissioned services, but especially for those without social worker or clinician status.
The NIHR are offering Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Local Authority and LA Commissioned Service Based Individuals
The National Institute for Health Research are funding a completely new and exciting pre-doctoral opportunity for all individuals based within local authorities or local authority commissioned services, but especially for those without social worker or clinician status.
Department of Health and Social Care publish guidance for visiting in care homes in England
The Department of Health and Social Care guidance applies from 2 December 2020 and supersedes previous guidance on visiting policies for care homes.