
ENRICHEnabling Research in Care Homes
Read about current news and developments for care homes research.
An archive of news items published on the ENRICH site May 2014 - April 2019 can be found here.
The Care Provider Alliance produce a visitors’ protocol for care providers
With the easing of lockdown the question of how and when do care homes open their doors again to visitors is an important topic. The Care Provider Alliance have produced a ‘visitors protocol for care providers’.
A new exercise video for people with a mild cognitive impairment or in the early stages of dementia
Researchers at the University of Nottingham have co-produced a video with patients who took part in the PrAISED research programme. The video is aimed to promote activity, independence and stability for people who have either a mild cognitive impairment or are in the early stages of dementia.
New research aims to provide clinicians with a more structured way of managing their patients’ medicines
Some older may struggle to manage multiple medications at home. This can be upsetting and potentially dangerous. The MEMORABLE study, led by Dr Ian Maidment of Aston University, provides new insights to help manage this issue.
The Inaugural Symposium of the BSG Care Homes Research Special Interest Group
The British Society of Gerontology are pleased to announce that their free online symposium (originally scheduled to be part of the British Society of Gerontology’s conference in Bristol) will now run through Zoom from 9am-11am on Thursday 2nd July.
PhD opportunity to support people with dementia living in care homes drink well
An exciting opportunity for a health professional with a Masters Degree (or equivalent) to apply for and undertake a fully funded PhD to support people with dementia living in care homes to drink well, preventing dehydration and the ill health associated with it.
New UCL resource – Guidance for Managers and Decision Makers in Supporting Care Home Workers during COVID-19
The guidance has been produced by the COVID trauma response working group at UCL. The document is based on a rapid synthesis of published research, expert clinical opinion and the experiences of care home managers and staff. This guidance is intended for managers and decision makers involved in supporting staff working in care home settings.
Digital Primary Care NHSX series of webinars: Digital transformation work in care homes
Alison Taylor RN – Digital Transformation Manager and Dr Matt Houghton, GP and Digital Clinical Champion, are delivering a webinar looking at digital transformation work going on in care homes.
NIHR SSCR Webinar Series: Loneliness
NIHR SSCR’s Webinar Series showcases the School’s commissioned research. This third webinar includes two presentations focusing on loneliness.
The IDEAL project – Five tips to support people with dementia and carers in COVID-19 lockdown
A new leaflet features five simple tips, developed using the latest robust research and with the input of people affected by dementia. The leaflet is part-funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), in a project led by the University of Exeter and the NIHR Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit, with partners including Alzheimer’s Society, Manchester University, Bradford University, Brunel University London and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South-West Peninsula (PenARC).
The invisibility of the UK care home population – UK care homes and a minimum dataset
A recent blog written by Dr Jennie Burton, Professor Claire Goodman and Dr Terry Quinn published on the LTC responses to COVID-19 website discusses the difficulties faced in developing a coordinated response to Covid-19 for UK care homes.